
How To Put Together Db Method

The simple bodyweight squat is one of the best exercises you can do. With proper course, the motion works the cadre, calves, quads, hamstrings and, of form, the glutes, making it a powerhouse exercise that can (and should!) exist implemented into any workout routine.

Just achieving that right form requires practice and focus, particularly if you're newer to fitness. For some, this is where the DB Method, an assisted squat machine that'south all over the internet, could await highly-seasoned. The maker of this device claims it tin can perfect the simple squat by making it easier and more efficient to perform, taking the weight out of the knees and delivering it straight to the glutes. But does the classic squat fifty-fifty need this upgrade? DB Method sent me a machine and some accessories so I could test it out. I used it for about two months—here's what I remember, including if it'south worth it.

What is the DB Method?

Woman using DB method squat machine at home.

Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

The DB Method is an assisted squat automobile that claims to perfect the glutes.

For $229, the DB Method assisted squat auto promises to evangelize you a "dream butt." (Aye, that's what its initials stand up for—if that's too subtle for you, the handles bear its logo, a lowercase "d" and "b" overlaid in such a way to look like a large, fat peach.) To accomplish this, the machine is synthetic with two parallel upright handles at the front, a wide cushioned seat that moves up and down on a hydraulic rod, and two pes rests on either side. You sit on the seat, place your feet on the rests, hold onto the handles, and squat deeply. The seat and its hydraulics take some of your body weight off, so you tin can squat lower and without putting pressure on your knees, thereby activating the glutes and targeting the exercise to your nether regions.

If y'all're of a certain demographic, y'all've probably seen information technology on your Instagram feed or in tabloids when Kim Kardashian gave it to her mom and sisters for Christmas a couple of years ago. The brand claims that using information technology for x minutes a 24-hour interval volition "transform" your torso. It doesn't spell out exactly what it means by this, but you can probably put it together using your imagination, desires, the proper noun of the motorcar, and the before-and-after photos on its Instagram—a rounder, tauter haul, and peradventure some flatter abs and toned inner thighs. According to the company, the machine is suitable for people between 5 anxiety and 6 feet, 3 inches tall and upwardly to 250 pounds.

You can also add on accessories, including "Dreamlets" (2-pound wrist and ankle weights, $25) and "Dreamdiscs" (floor gliders, $xviii). The DB Method sent me its $359 "Essentials" kit, which includes the machine, the "Dreammat" (a yoga mat, $29 if bought separately), the "Dreamband Pro" (a resistance band, $20), the "Dreammount" (a phone and tablet holder that clips to the front end of the machine, $32), and the "Dreambelt" (a 10-pound weighted belt, $49)—if yous're paying attention, you'll notice that there's no discount for ownership all the items together.

I also had admission to DB Method'southward app, which costs $nine.99 a month and includes five- to xv-minute workout videos led past DB Method'due south trainers. Right now, the commencement month is free with purchase of the machine, though you tin all the same picket some of its videos without a subscription. If you try it out and decide DB isn't for you lot within the first 30 days, you tin return it for a full refund (minus a delivery fee, depending on the carrier you use).

How does the DB Method work?

Woman doing Jefferson curls on DB Method machine.

Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

You lot can use the machine for core and arm workouts, besides.

The machine does not come assembled, but putting information technology together doesn't crave any tools—all you accept to do is clip its components together. Information technology comes with a booklet that spells out how to practise it, merely I supplemented with the DB assembly video, which provides skillful visuals. Information technology took me about 15 minutes to become it set. You can as well fold information technology up by unscrewing the hydraulic rod and pulling the seat through the arms and so it's easier to store.

Once information technology was set upward, I watched DB Method's "getting started" video. It describes how to adjust the seat, which can be pulled in and out and gear up at a number from 1 to 6 based on your height. The introduction likewise provides instructions for proper grade. To use it, you put your heels on the foot ramps with your toes pointing upwards, extend your arms to gently grip the handlebars, residual your glutes on the seat while engaging your core, and squat, keeping your weight shifted dorsum the whole time. When using it, the seat is the merely thing that moves: Your arms stay on the handrails and your heels stay on the human foot pads. You tin can likewise dismount to use it for non-glute exercises, such as breast and tricep presses for the upper body and oblique curls for the core.

I had more questions about that x-minutes-a-day claim, so I spoke with DB Method's chief fitness officeholder (CFO) and personal trainer Adam Swartz. He says you lot should start to notice results with daily 10-infinitesimal sessions within iii to four weeks. He says people of all fitness levels should find something, though squat newbies are more than likely to come across dramatic improvements. Swartz too says the auto should make yous feel improve overall. "If yous're just starting out and fairly sedentary, but getting into the beginnings of a squat motion can be really life-changing," he says. "If yous're more advanced and non involving some regular squatting, there's a lot a squat can unlock in terms of strength."

I tested the machine like most people might: I used it about days of the week—the device lived at Reviewed's office, then I skipped the weekends—and kept an eye on my booty to see how it fared.

How does the DB Method compare to a regular squat?

Woman using DB method squat machine.

Credit: The DB Method

The DB Method squat feels a bit more than similar a chair pose than a typical squat.

People usually had ii reactions when I told them I was testing this automobile. Those who had seen the Instagram ads immediately asked me to fill them in on my findings. Those who had not been as, shall we say, relentlessly targeted, squinted at the imagery (when I inevitably showed them DB Method'south colorful, video-filled Instagram) and said something forth the lines of, "Why not just stick with regular squats?"

It's a fair question. For my role, I'll say that squatting with the DB Method machine felt dissimilar and more challenging than a regular trunk-weight squat, probable because my weight was shifted farther back than usual and my arms were extended. To me, it felt more like a yoga chair pose, a standing posture that involves shifting downward like you're well-nigh to sit in a chair and hovering in identify. This meant that I really felt it in my glutes and inner thighs, and, when I remembered to tighten my cadre, I felt information technology there, also.

But I as well felt compelled to enquire Swartz who, presumably, is accepted to dealing with questions of the sort. "The traditional squat is a technically hard do," he says. "It's difficult to effigy out the correct engagements ... if you don't have a trainer right there working with you. It can be washed, but information technology has a barrier to entry. For people who don't take access to a coach, the DB method tin can help achieve proper form."

Ane common body-weight squat mistake includes putting too much weight in the front of your body, causing your knees to cave in or extend over the feet. From my experience, the DB Method prevents this. Simply achieving DB-perfect form by doing the same motion over and over may not always be useful for your overall fettle routine, or even prevent you from making these mistakes if you effort to do a body-weight squat on your ain. I spoke with Pete McCall, a personal trainer and fitness educator who's not affiliated with the DB Method, for a previous story nearly similar squat machines. He thought the machine could be useful for developing confidence and base force, but felt the repetitive movements may not aid you learn how to squat on your own and could be ineffective or fifty-fifty risky. This is because the doing the same movement over and once more can crusade repetitive stress injuries.

What we like most the DB Method

Credit: The DB Method

The DB method does work the glutes well.

In addition to the unlike, more than intense "burn" I felt, I genuinely looked forward to using the DB Method—an of import consideration for any practise device. Knowing that I was going to employ it for just 10 minutes made it much easier to hop on than, say, a treadmill, which I usually arroyo with the dread that comes from knowing I'one thousand committing to at least a 30-minute run (no affair how good I know I'll feel when I'grand done). And I felt the effects of DB even subsequently those 10 minutes, too—not enough to brand information technology my only workout of the twenty-four hours, but enough to get my claret moving.

Anecdotally, I also noticed a physical deviation during my testing period. My butt didn't get bigger, per se, and information technology definitely didn't become a Kardashian-esque barrel. (Y'all'd demand more than the DB Method for that.) But it was a footling perkier and I noticed that a pair of old leggings I normally hate wearing started to await a lot more flattering. That said, I don't know if I tin can attribute this entirely to the auto—I too started running outside more than as the weather got warmer and taking classes at my local barre studio once I received the COVID vaccine. Still, I feel confident maxim that, at the very least, the DB Method helped.

What we don't like about the DB Method

Woman using DB Method dreamband.

Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar

Most of the app workouts called for additional accessories, like this branded resistance band.

It's difficult for me to justify the DB Method's $229 price. Yep, I'd argue it does what it says it does, but y'all don't need it to learn how to squat or build your glutes. A good tutorial video and commitment to form (peradventure by watching yourself in a mirror) could help you learn how to squat without a trainer. McCall besides suggested alternating exercises if you're mainly interested in edifice glute musculus, such as hip thrusts. If you lot vest to a gym, this is a much ameliorate option, as you can access the equipment without having to commit to a automobile at home.

I wasn't wowed by the DB Method's app, either. I liked the instructors, who were all engaging and provided clever ways to employ the motorcar, such as using squats with different ranges of motion and adding pulses. But most of the videos require equipment other than the DB Method machine (the resistance band and discs were required most ofttimes), which makes the videos feel more like a means of shilling product than anything else. It too doesn't have a lot of videos—24, by my count—and didn't seem to be updated during my testing menstruum.

Some of the videos are bundled into "challenges," which provide a workout schedule with daily exercises to complete for a set period of time. This is a prissy touch, only the videos chop-chop get repetitive, and I simply don't think information technology's worth the $ix.99 monthly price. If you're good most remembering to abolish free trials, you can check information technology out for yourself with a month-long subscription—if not, I'd try the DB Method'due south YouTube page first, which provides nigh forty free workout videos.

Finally, as much as I looked forward to using the machine, it didn't feel like a consummate workout. And that's because it isn't—ultimately, this machine is designed for one purpose and ane practise. And so even when I did a lengthier full-body DB workout video, I always felt like I needed to add a run, Pilates class, or additional strength training to get my exercise set up for the day. Of course, I test exercise equipment for a living, which keeps me pretty active. Your opinion may differ based on your ain fitness level.

Is the DB Method worth it?

Nosotros should all exist wary of fitness devices and routines that rely heavily on aesthetic results for one specific part of the body—two attributes the DB Method fulfills in its marketing. Information technology's disingenuous to say that you should never factor in appearance equally motivation to start working out, but focusing on doing ane motility for one purpose can result in boredom and disappointment if you don't get the promised results fast enough. If you resent the automobile, you lot won't use it, and then it definitely won't work.

With that in heed, I recollect the DB Method is worth it for some people. Sure, it's a i-trick pony (OK, maybe a i-and-a-half trick pony). Only it could be a skilful option for someone who doesn't have a lot of fettle experience, doesn't own a lot of fitness gear, doesn't belong to a gym, but wants to fit some squatting into the twenty-four hours without thinking about it as well much, and doesn't mind the cost of the motorcar. If that sounds similar you, you lot'll like that the DB Method provides the ability to squat without putting pressure on the knees and—from what I could tell—noticeable, if not dramatic, results. The key is to manage expectations, use it regularly, and maybe add in some cardio, which could be as unproblematic as walking effectually more. With that, I think you'll commencement to experience stronger and more confident, which should be what fitness is all near.

Get the DB Method for $229

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Prices were accurate at the time this commodity was published but may change over time.


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