
At What Wind Speed Should You Put Up Hurricane Shutters?

When information technology comes to storm damage protection for commercial buildings, a question we hear a lot is: "When should I put upwards hurricane shutters?" People want to know exactly when information technology is necessary, to avoid going through the steps of putting shutters into place if it'southward not required.

In this commodity, we'll explain the standard guidelines regarding when to put hurricane shutters upwards. Then, we're going to tell you about a solution available to you that provides your building with 24/vii tempest protection — without the hassle of shutters!

The Official Stance on When To Put up Hurricane Shutters

Do You Need To Put up Hurricane Shutters Earlier Every Storm?

According to the National Hurricane Eye'southward official recommendations, y'all should put up hurricane shutters whenever a hurricane sentinel is issued for your area.

As you may or may non know, a hurricane sentry is issued 48 hours before hurricane conditions are expected to begin. It'south a precursor to a hurricane warning, which comes 36 hours before hurricane conditions are expected to kick off.

Even if at that place is merely a 5-10 percentage chance of hurricane forcefulness winds hitting your business or commercial facility, information technology's of import y'all put shutters up to avoid potentially catastrophic harm to your property.

Why are storm shutters so important?

  • Protect drinking glass against storm debris tossed by hurricane-forcefulness winds
  • Prevent glass from flying dangerously inwards at those inside
  • Block wind to prevent internal and structural air current damage
  • Proceed out rain to forbid flooding and h2o damage

Y'all might be thinking something similar: "But, with such a small chance of a hurricane actually hitting my surface area, is it really worth it to get through the time and effort of putting shutters up?"

According to the stats, you absolutely should. An April 2022 report by the Congressional Budget Office had the following predictions for economic losses due to hurricane winds and storm-related flooding:

  • $9 billion to commercial businesses
  • $34 billion to the residential sector
  • $12 billion to the public sector

As you can see, the cumulative impairment acquired by hurricanes and storms in the Usa accounts for huge losses in all sectors. You lot can accept personal precautions, such equally putting hurricane shutters upwards, to help reduce your individual losses when a storm hits your property.

If you lot have a large commercial edifice with a lot of windows and doors that would just require too many shutters, or y'all don't have the budget for user-friendly automatic whorl-down shutters, thereare alternative ways you tin can protect your glass and preclude expensive storm damage.

Do I Demand Shutters on My Concern?

Learn Most Our Favorite Hurricane Shutter Alternative: Touch Windows

Now that you know more than nigh when to put hurricane shutters upwards, it's the perfect moment for us to tell you more most that permanent tempest damage protection we mentioned earlier. So, what exactly are hurricane bear on windows?

"Affect windows" is a term that can refer to a number of different security glass and glass-like products that can exist used to create barriers over your existing drinking glass and protect it from flying debris during a tempest.

All the same, we desire to tell y'all specifically near what we truly believe is the all-time type of bear on window bachelor on the marketplace: ArmorPlast® AP25.

What is ArmorPlast® AP25?

ArmorPlast® is the proprietary line of polycarbonate glazing shields from Anarchism Glass®. These polycarbonate panels are available in varying thicknesses, from containment-class to ballistic-class sheets.

AP25 is a containment-course glazing shield and is the product we most recommend to our clients looking for means to protect their commercial backdrop against storm damage and other common threats.

Why is AP25 and so potent?

AP25 is a single 1/4-inch AR-2 canvas composed entirely of polycarbonate, which is incredibly impact resistant. Unlike other impact windows on the market that are made of unlike types of glass, a sheet of AP25 is not going to scissure or suspension in whatever manner when impacted by storm droppings.

Despite being non-ballistic, pregnant it won't cease bullets, AP25 can resist cracking and shattering later on being penetrated multiple times by firearm rounds. That should give y'all a pretty proficient thought of its force.

Does information technology change the appearance of the existing glass?

The polycarbonate used in the construction of ArmorPlast® glazing shields is crystal clear and has glass-like surface hardness and appearance. It can be retrofitted over your existing glass without significantly altering the appearance of the building.

Considering of this, AP25 won't inhibit your visibility or block out natural light either (dissimilar hurricane shutters). All it takes is a one-time installation to provide your commercial facility with round-the-clock storm protection.

Are at that place any other benefits of installing AP25 touch windows?

  • Adds UV protection and abrasion resistance
  • Provides security confronting forced entry, burglary, and smash-and-grab theft
  • Protects your business from rioting, looting, and vandalism


The frequency and number of hurricanes and tropical storms making landfall on the continental US has been on the rise over the past 5 years.

Considering of that, it's absolutely vital that you have some blazon of hurricane mitigation barriers in identify to protect your business or commercial facility.

Hurricane shutters are one pick that is effective, but they can be impractical, especially if you have a huge facility or don't have the upkeep for the almost modern, convenient electronic models.

If putting storm shutters into identify every fourth dimension there'southward a minor possibility of a hurricane striking your property seems similar too much of a hassle, proceed in mind the other options you lot have available to y'all.

Nosotros highly recommend retrofitting your building with ArmorPlast® AP25 to provide 24/7 protection and peace of mind. When a hurricane picket is issued in your expanse, yous can focus on making other preparations and know that your business is protected.

Our team is waiting to discuss the hurricane impairment mitigation solutions we can provide for yous and your commercial facility.

Contact Riot Drinking glass® today or take your local drinking glass contractor in Florida or whatever of the southeastern states give us a call.

At What Wind Speed Should You Put Up Hurricane Shutters?,


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